Let’s talk about window trim. If you know, you know. But, if you’ve never watched a home transform through a build process, you might not understand the magic that happens when the window trim goes up. In my mind, it’s like coloring. You sketch something lightly, then add color, and blend textures — you spend so much time on the details. And then, one day, you take a ball-point pen and draw outlines. All of a sudden, your creation pops. It feels complete. Or… maybe I’m just a big fan of coloring inside the lines? In any case: Window trim, for me, is a finishing touch that signifies the end of a chapter is near. Now, the aesthetic of my chosen decor has finally come together: As a result of the window trim completion, I feel more spacious. I organized the cupboards. I baked homemade bread. I revived our kombucha scoby. Nothing life-changing, but all life-enhancing. Aren’t those always the things that fall to the wayside when life gets busy? Hygge (pronounced “hoo-gah”) is a Scandinavian word that describes my shift in attention. And because Sean and I feel so deeply connected to the Norwegian lands and traditions — it’s no wonder their word describes exactly how I feel. Hygge is the yin after the yang of summer… it’s is the perfect medicine for transition. And believe it or not, autumn is in full swing in the arctic. Think of hygge like a commitment to cozy — for the sake of being cozy. Fluffing up the couch cushions, cooking comfort food, pulling out sweaters from storage, spending more time over coffee and tea… essentially creating comfort all around so that by winter, “home” provides a needed contrast to the harsh environment outside. By embodying hygge, your environment makes it easy to appreciate the simple pleasures. Summer’s unique challenges here in the arctic give life an intensity that would be unmanageable year-round — we stay up many long nights in the midnight sun, there are endless maintenance projects around the property, and hikes with the dogs blend fun with pure chaos without the predictability of lines and a dogsled. Cooler temps, picking lingonberries, and turning leaves (like the ones on the tundra in the photo below) are a welcome change… and this year, I feel more at home that I ever have, heading into winter. Every time I look out our windows, I notice the trim and I’m filled with gratitude for being done. For feeling spacious. And for the opportunity to focus on the simple things that make living here so magical. I hope you can find this same pleasure wherever you are.
In light, Mollie
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